
Puppy Foundations

Welcome to our PUPPY FOUNDATIONS training class. This class is specifically designed for puppies as young as 8 weeks until 16 weeks of age.

This big world is all very new to them. Letting them expore with their senses, giving them gentle guidence along the way, connecting and enjoying this short lived puppy stage.

Puppies will go through developmental stages such as fear impact periods, cutting their adult teeth around the age of four months, and the famous teenage years - a lack of listening skills and testing human patience can become frustrating.

In this Puppy Foundations training class we will:

  • Understand relationship building with your new canine companion, connection training between dog, humans and children.

  • Prevention of behavior problems such as jumping on people and children, excessive barking and jumping on the counter or table for food.

  • Understanding how to create positive feelings with kennels using very easy and simple to understand training techniques.

  • Understanding the fundamentals of house training, eliminating accidents in the house.

  • Education on the importance of socialization, exposure and exploring their senses.

  • Understanding canine communication and how dogs communicate.

  • Foundation training for loose leash walking techniques.

  • Recall training: A valuable life saving skill and training cue for every dog to know.

  • Each class is filled with exposure to a wide variety of different textures.

  • Each training class offers off leash play time for puppies, with continued education on how puppies play and different play styles.

This class is an excellent option for first time dog owners, before starting the Puppy Manners Level One training classes. An amazing resourse for surviving and thriving during your dogs puppy stage.

VACCINES: Each new canine companion is required to have one DAPP vaccines administered by the age of 8 weeks of age. All puppies will be pre-screened on their history and previous lived environments before attending this training class.


One class once a week for 3 weeks. Each class is 45 minutes - 1 hour long.  Each class will have 8 - 9 puppies.


Cost for all three training classes is $90.00 plus GST = $94.50

Dates and Times

Spring 2025


Pre-payment is required prior to your class start date and time to CONFIRM your attendance.

Payment by eTransfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. TLC has direct deposit.


Training classes are held at The St Norbert Community Centre 3450 Pembina Highway.

Behind the skating rink your will find THE BANQUET HALL. Enter through the doors for our 2500 sqft training room.

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